Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Confession ONE: Gemini.

The first thing you need to know about me, and it may or may not seem important, is that I am a gemini. Now, put aside your preconceived ideas about horoscopes or whatever and think for a minute what that really means. Everyone knows their star sign. I dont care who you are or how sceptical you are: at some point you will have been told about yourself based entirely on when your mom decided she couldn't take being a human camping site anymore and popped you out. Think about it. I bet you have. I bet more of you than would like to admit, also had a teeny 'Wow that DOES sound like me...' moment at least once during one of these conversations. So for me to open with 'im a gemini' is not as ludicrous as you might think.

In my twenty odd years on the planet, I have learnt based on this fact that:

"Typical Geminis are very lively and charming and excellent conversationalists.  Creative, charming and active, they are also restless, easily bored and unable to concentrate on any one thing for a prolonged period of time".

So i may seem chirpy and eager to help but you couldnt trust me not to lose your hamster if i were to look after it. Also..

"Geminis are often able to persuade people to do almost anything. Natural leaders they are quick to act [...] they love to communicate and are often seen as flirtaious"

Brilliant, but..

"Geminis are most unhappy when stuck in what they feel is a rut. Overtly creative, Geminis gravitate towards the Arts, where their talents lie. It is not uncommon for Geminis to have several careers throughout their lives (as they get bored with one occupation)  This restlessness can also cause many Geminis to have several lovers throughout their lives[...] It is hard to get a Gemini to commit fully, flighty as they are."

So i'm fickle with it meaning if you do leave me looking after you hamster, dont be surprised to come back and find i've traded it in for a flamingo and jetted off to the maldives.

 These are things, that whether or not its because of years of mystic meg and co telling me I am, or because of nature: I just am. They are the best and worst bits of my personaity, and as we go further into my life in all its car crash glory: these things may become more and more apparent.   So, at the grand old age of twenty something, I live in one city but I socialise in another. I have a boyfriend but I also have an ex. (I have a few, but one in paticular) I have a job.I have grand ideas. And in amongst all the things that should be enough for me: I am also, inately, a ball.

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